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Wednesday 17 July 2019

Five Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat is a pain in the neck, it can make you feel very uncomfortable in your clothes. It is very harmful to your health and is the major causes of several health conditions including diabetes type 2.
People with belly fat is commonly exposed to several metabolic diseases even though they may look thin and healthy. However, losing excess belly fat is a very hard task and needs a lot of discipline and consistency.
Here are 5 effective and proven tips to help you lose belly fats

Soluble fiber absorbs water and regulates the movement of food in the digestive system and reduces the absorption of calories. The scientist has proven that soluble fiber helps to increase weight loss by making you feel very full, so you won’t have a need to eat too much. If you desire to reduce your belly fats, do well to eat foods with high fiber like avocados, blackberries, legumes, flaxseed, etc.

2. Avoid Foods with High Trans Fat

Fatty foods are the major causes of belly fat, inflammation, and heart disease. This kind of fat is made by adding hydrogen into unsaturated fat. They are very harmful to your health when you consume them excessively. Trans Fats are found in margarine, packaged food, spreads, and soybean oil. Apart from reducing belly fat, it is, therefore, a good idea to limit trans fat intake for your health in general.

3. Reduce Alcohol Intake

4. Maintain High Proteins In Your Diets
Proteins play a vital role in weight loss. It increases your metabolic rate and helps you balance your muscles mass during weight loss. Protein makes you feel full by releasing the fulling hormone(PYY) in your body which reduces your appetite and boost fullness. The scientist has observed that people who feed on protein-rich foods have fat belly than those who have a lower protein diet. To reduce belly fats, ensure that you have a good protein diet containing foods like beans, meat, eggs, dairy, etc.
5. Reduce Stress
Stress triggers the adrenal glands making them produce a stress hormone called Cortisol. This gland can make you gain some belly fats. It is proven that when cortisol increases in the body, you have more appetite and this causes you to eat more and also store abdominal fat. To reduce stress, engage in consistent exercise and enjoyable activities to reduce. Mediation and Yoga can also relieve you of stress.

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